AMA Herbal Group

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As a result, AMA Herbal innovated the solution and launched its first research product โ€œExtract form of Natural Dyesโ€ in 1996.

AMA Herbal is the world leader in Natural Textile Dyes, and today the only successful and commercialized company dealing in extract form of natural dyes formulation and preventing the environment from chemicals.

Our herbal products are the result of our dedicated and professionalized in-house R&D team who is responsible for making eco-friendly and trusted products for consumers.

best out of waste


W- Why should you prefer it?

The textile industry is one of the major contributors to global warming with 1.7 million tons of CO2 emitted annually which accounts for 10% of global GHG emissions. Curbing the carbon trail has become essential for the textile world. For many brands, adopting sustainable means stands to benefit in many ways.

But it can be a lot more. Reduction in carbon Footprint can add more positivity to the brandโ€™s image. You can accomplish your carbon-curbing goals with AMAzing Earth.

H- How will it reduce your carbon footprint?

Fashion and textile sectors are major fugitives to rising COโ‚‚ levels. Sustainable inventions and methodologies of AMAzing EARTH can curb their carbon trails.

According to the UN Climate Change Conference (UNCCC) held in Glasgow, some shocking revelations have come. It is stated that if global temperatures cross 1.5 degrees Celsius, climate change may become irreversible.

natural dyes and cloths
Unfortunately, the present NDCs (Nationally Determined Contributions) of nations around the world fall far short of meeting the 2050 net-zero goal.
You can make your contribution more sustainable by making your product (garment/textile) sustainable with AMAzing Earth. Sustainable traceability from AMAzing EARTH will allow you to trace and identify the history, application, location, and distribution of materials and products to ensure sustainability claims regarding carbon-curbing goals, health safety, SDGs, and the environment A- Allows you to empower your sustainability goals scientifically Not just nations, but all institutions and individuals must contribute to meeting climate change objectives to protect the planet Earth.
Textile and fashion industries can set an example for sceptical eyes to comprehend the seriousness of global warming with revolutionary sustainable methodologies and transparent work policies of AMAzing EARTH.
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AMAzing Earth boosts this sustainable link by improving the sustainable brand value, customer satisfaction, and the type of gas used to fuel delivery vehicles. We also ensure better utilization of the residues of the cotton crop rather than burning it by using it in the farm soil to improve soil quality and increase crop productivity. 
We promise to deliver the material/products through trains and other sustainable shipping methods rather than airlifting
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